Azione Unlimited Group Announcements
Azione Unlimited Welcomes 95th Dealer Member
Azione Unlimited (AU) has just added its 95th dealer member. The last three to join are World Premiere of Mechanicsburg, PA, Osbee of Harrison, NY and Premier Media Technologies of Destin, Florida.
Datasat Becomes a Member of Azione Unlimited
Datasat Digital Entertainment, a leader in the world of digital cinema and home theater audio processors, has joined Azione Unlimited, the educational/buying group for integrators and custom retailers.
Christie Signs Azione Unlimited as New Partner
Christie®, the global leader in world-class projection displays and visualization solutions for the cinema, medical, and commercial AV markets, has joined the Azione Unlimited educational/buying group.
Azione Unlimited Welcomes 90th Dealer Member!
Azione Unlimited (AU), the education and buying group for custom retailers and integrators, has just added Premovation of Holland, Michigan as its new member!